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Automotive division contributes biggest revenue to Astra International

JAKARTA: PT Astra International Tbk booked 33.39% net profit growth in the first half due to hiking commodity price, consumer financing availability and stable inflation.The Indonesia biggest automotive producer and distributor, 55% market share, booked

JAKARTA: PT Astra International Tbk booked 33.39% net profit growth in the first half due to hiking commodity price, consumer financing availability and stable inflation.The Indonesia biggest automotive producer and distributor, 55% market share, booked IDR8.59 trillion net profit from IDR6.44 trillion on the same period last year.Operating profit rose 26.54% to IDR8.44 trillion from IDR6.67 trillion, operating margin rose 11.07% from 10.84%, and gross profit rose 26.14% to IDR15.15 trillion from IDR12.0. Companys revenue rose 23.98% to IDR76.26 trillion from IDR61.51 trillion.Despite the natural disasters in Japan, we believe the situation will not affect our second half performance, President Director Prijono Sugiarto told Bisnis.Automotive division contributed IDR38.05 trillion net revenue or 49.89% from the total consolidated revenue. Heavy equipments and coal mining, second biggest contributor contributed IDR25.62 trillion or 33.59%.Net revenue from financial service and agribusiness sector contributed IDR5.57 trillion and IDR5.29 trillion or 7.30% and 6.94%. Infrastructure and logistic and information technology contributed IDR2.38 trillion and IDR648 billion or 3.12% and 0.84%.The net revenue growth possibly was because of rupiah appreciation against US dolar as the company also has US dolar-denominated debt, PT Sucorinvest Central Ganis Director Adrian Rusmana told Bisnis.PT Indosurya Asset Managements Managing Research Reza Priyambada projected on Astra International share.Car salesAstra Groups car sales rose 10% to 230,000 or 55% from the total market share in the first half. Total national car sales rose 13% to 418,000 units.PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM)s motorcycle sales rose 26% to IDR2.1 million units so that its market share rose to 51% from 46%.PT Astra Otoparts Tbks net profit slipped 15.54% to IDR480.24 billion from IDR569.57 billion amid higher cost.Operating profit also slipped 19.36% to IDR214.36 billion from IDR264.83 billion while revenue rose 16.72% to IDR3.56 trillion from IDR3.05 trillion.Subsidiary on information technology service PT Astra Graphia Tbk booked 20.99% net profit growth to IDR53.21 billion from IDR43.98 billion. Operating profit rose 7.60% to IDR64.54 billion from IDR59.98 billion. Net revenue rose 12.74% to IDR648.27 billion from IDR574.99 billion.Subsidiary on heavy equipments and coal mining PT United Tractors Tbk booked IDR2.54 trillion net profit, rose 35% from IDR1.89 trillion.Subsidiary on agribusiness PT Astar Agro Lestari Tbk booked IDR1.27 trillion net profit from IDR636.45 billion due to hiking coal price and sales growth. (t05)

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Editor : Mursito


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