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JICT urged to optimize facility in Tanjung Priok Port

JAKARTA: PT Jakarta International Container Terminal and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II was urged to optimize field and dock facility in terminal 2 of Tanjung Priok Port.Head of Tanjung Priuk Port Authority Sahat Simatupang said the optimizing of container

JAKARTA: PT Jakarta International Container Terminal and PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II was urged to optimize field and dock facility in terminal 2 of Tanjung Priok Port.Head of Tanjung Priuk Port Authority Sahat Simatupang said the optimizing of container terminal can be done by combining load and unload activity of international and local passengers.The combination between the two load and unload activity can be done as long as there is guardrail in terminal 2, he said in a declaration of anticorruption movement in Tanjung Priok Port, yesterday.Until now, Sahat said the utilization of facilities in Terminal 2 is not optimal as the depth of the water is only -8.5 low water spring (LWs), while international container ship needs deep water to anchor.Thus the facility is only able to accommodate small international feeder ship with Singapore destination, he said.Sahat said the facility and dock in Terminal 2 JICT has not yet utilized.President Director of PT JICT Helman Sembiring said the company and Pelindo has agreed to realize load and unload combination service in Terminal 2.We are still conducting intensive coordination on that matter.We hope to realize it soon, he said.Helman said the utilization of government asset in Terminal 2 can attract load and unload activity of international and domestic container ship with a capacity of 800 TEUs-1,000 TEUs.The facility and filed in terminal 2 is able to accommodate container ship with a capacity of 1,000 TEUs, he said.Meanwhile, as Herman said, the current average capacity of container ship is 3,000 TEUs or mother vessel. (k1) (t03/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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