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Rembang power plant to operate in September

SEMARANG: Rembang Steam Power Plant with a capacity of 2X315 MW certainly tested to operate in September, to support the acceleration of 10,000 MW energy project after Zelan-Priamanaya-Tronoh Consortium completed the installation of the boiler drum lifting

SEMARANG: Rembang Steam Power Plant with a capacity of 2X315 MW certainly tested to operate in September, to support the acceleration of 10,000 MW energy project after Zelan-Priamanaya-Tronoh Consortium completed the installation of the boiler drum lifting in the plant.Sector Manager Rembang Slamet Riyanto said it had carried out tests on the boiler drum lifting as a major component of plant and test results are as expected."The entire construction project is completed. We will also conduct a trial operation in August so that the operation of Rembang steam power plant Unit I can be held in September," he said yesterday.After Rembang Unit I is operated, Unit II power plant will also be piloted in October. "Rembang power plant, both unit I and II, are will be fully operated next year."The steam power plant project amounting IDR6 trillion is built on an area of 55 ha in Sluke Village Rembang. All of the turbines and machines are made by Dong Fang ChinaPLTU Rembang use lowrank coal as the fuel.Several coal producers such as PT Titan and PT Arutmin has supplied 16,000 tons for operating the steam power plant. Until the end of this year, the power plant needs 100,000-120,000 tons of coal.The purchase agreement of the coal supply is done for a long period of time, about 20 years. With the use of coal, PLN may save IDR4 trillion, he said.According to PLNs Distribution Manager for Central Java and Yogyakarta Haris Efendy, the operational of Rembang steam power plant in 2012 will increase the number of customers for 330,000, besides there will be additional electricity installed for 622,247 KVA and energy purchase for 19.29 million Mwh.PLN for Central Java and Yogyakarta is also able to increase service reliability in 2012 with the interruption period for 240 minutes per year or 6.4 times per year.The project has to prioritize social aspect with a service to all of the people who are living near the power plant area, thus they will also get the development result, said an economist from Diponegoro University FX Sugiyanto.So far the power plant has absorbed 2,000 work forces and it is expected to absorb 3,500 work forces when it starts the power plant. (t03/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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