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5 Airlines propose extra flights

JAKARTA: Five domestic and international airlines are proposing 41 more flights abroad before the coming fasting month for Moslems.Those airlines are Cathay Pacific Hong Kong, China Airlines Taiwan, Garuda Indonesia, Tri MG Airlines, and Batavia Air.Cathay

JAKARTA: Five domestic and international airlines are proposing 41 more flights abroad before the coming fasting month for Moslems.Those airlines are Cathay Pacific Hong Kong, China Airlines Taiwan, Garuda Indonesia, Tri MG Airlines, and Batavia Air.Cathay Pacific has the most additional flights abroad in July, said Head Sub-Directorate of Scheduled Air Transportation Hemi Pamuraharjo at Ministry of Transportation.Through the end of the month, there are only five airlines proposing extra flights for international destinations, he said over the weekend.Ministry of Transportation recorded that Cathay Pacific proposed 24 additional flights, which included 10 flights from Denpasar to Hong Kong and 14 flights from Jakarta to Hong Kong. The period of extra flights starts July 12 and ends September 7.Moreover, China Airlines proposed eight extra flights from Taipei to Denpasar. Using Boeing 738, the additional flight starts August 1 and end August 29.Provided the extra flights, the two Chinese airlines dominate the international routes by 78% of total 41 flights.There has been no proposal for additional flights in domestic routes, said Hemi. Usually, proposals for extra flights come near Moslems Lebaran holiday, as airlines consider which routes are on high demand.In the meantime, Sriwijaya Air may propose extra flights during the Lebaran holiday this year provided increasing demands. It is flexible, concerning responds from the market, said Sriwijaya Air spokesperson Agus Soedjono. (t04/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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