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Exports to Middle East to soar

JAKARTA: Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry viewed a political turmoil in Middle East not to have great impact yet for trade balance of Indonesia and several countries of the region.Even, trade value of Indonesia and 10 countries of Middle East,

JAKARTA: Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry viewed a political turmoil in Middle East not to have great impact yet for trade balance of Indonesia and several countries of the region.Even, trade value of Indonesia and 10 countries of Middle East, under control of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin Indonesia) at Middle East Committee, is targeted to soar 20%.They are Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Bahrein.Today, the trade value of Indonesia and 10 countries in the region had reached US$2.5 billion, as informed by Chairman of Standing Committee of Kadin Indonesia for Middle East and Moslem Conference Organization (OKI) Fachry Thaib.Reportedly, several exported products of Indonesia reports quite high demand in the region, such as crude palm oil (CPO), paper, textile, furniture, and tire.Generally, now Indonesia has great opportunities to export products to countries of Middle East. Even, the export activity can be executed directly, without third country.Chairman of Kadin for International Economic Cooperation Emirsyah Satar is optimistic for trade of Indonesia and Middle East to continue higher in the future.ACFTABesides focusing on Middle East, Indonesia also can maximize trade potency in Asia through Asean-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) following a market shift trend from America and Europe to Asia.Previously, the market is still concentrated to Europe and AS, as informed by General Head of Indonesia-China Institution for Cultural, Social, and Economic Cooperation (LIC) Sukamdani Sahid Gitosardjono.But, in line with monetary crisis, the largest trade growth occurs in Asia.Now, more than 500 million population have been lived in Southeast Asia, while China has 1.3 billion population.The population power of both regions has almost achieved 2 billion, or a third of total world population.LIC becomes a bridge for both countries to keep maintaining their commitment in enhancing balanced trade.Based on Trade Ministry data, a trade balance of Indonesia and China in a period of January-May 2011 suffered a US$2.7 billion deficit or a 30.2% higher of deficit in the same period of last year.The higher deficit on non-oil and gas trade was stimulated by higher import of supporting or raw material by 38.8%, while 20.3% for capital items compared to that of in the same period of last year.(t01/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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