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Elnusa secures US$239,9 million contracts revenue

JAKARTA: PT Elnusa has earned US$239.9 million revenues or 72.5% of the target this year.Elnusa Corporate Secretary Samodra Heru said the company is targeting a total contract revenues of US$330.5 million this year."If all the contracts that can be executed

JAKARTA: PT Elnusa has earned US$239.9 million revenues or 72.5% of the target this year.Elnusa Corporate Secretary Samodra Heru said the company is targeting a total contract revenues of US$330.5 million this year."If all the contracts that can be executed in accordance with the schedule, we are optimistic the target will be achieved," Heru said after the extraordinary meeting of Elnusa shareholders held today.Heru explained that the contract is obtained Elnusa until now reached US$303.5 million. The amount is composed of multi-year contract that will be done through 2012 and beyond and carry over contracts from 2010 amounted to US$132.8 million.The new contract obtained Elnusa at this year reached US$170.5 million. While the contract is being worked on and has been done in 2011 amounting to US$239.9 million.Revenue is derived from three main business units namely seismic upstream of US$130.5 million, US$53.9 million in drilling and oil field services amounted to US$55.5 million.According to Heru, contract revenue in the first half of 2011 is almost equal to the same period last year of US$240 million. (msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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