, JAKARTA — Pegiat lingkungan hidup cilik dari Kabupaten Gresik, Aeshnina Azzahra (Nina) bakal mengirimkan surat kepada Kanselir Jerman Angela Merkel soal protes impor sampah plastik.
Siswi SMPN 12 Gresik berusia 12 tahun ini sebelumnya menyurati Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump pada 2019, menuntut agar negara-negara Barat berhenti mengirim sampah plastik ke Indonesia.
"Hari Selasa, 21 Januari 2020 Nina akan ke Jakarta untuk bertemu dengan Duta Besar Jerman agar dapat menyampaikan surat tersebut," ujar Direktur Lembaga Kajian Ekologi dan Konservasi Lahan Basah (Ecoton) Prigi Arisandi.
Selain itu, dalam rangka meningkatkan kesadaran anak-anak di sekolahnya terhadap bahaya pencemaran sampah plastik Nina bakal menyelenggarakan pameran lingkungan hidup.
Prigi mengungkap bahwa Nina berniat membuat petisi agar dapat menggalang dukungan dari anak-anak Indonesia lainnya.
Menurut Nina dalam suratnya, sampah plastik impor yang diselundupkan ke Indonesia membawa dampak kerusakan lingkungan dan kesehatan.
Nina mengungkap bahwa dirinya menemukan ID Card nasional Jerman dan plastik bertuliskan Made In Germany.
Sisa pembakaran plastik di pabrik pembuat tahu yang terletak di Desa Tropodo mencemari tanah dan meningkatkan kandungan Dioksin dalam telur ayam kampung di sana.
Kantong sampah yang mecemari sungai dimakan ikan sehingga ikan di Sungai Brantas tercemar mikroplastik dari 12 pabrik pengimpor kertas.
Berikut isi surat Nina:
Dear Ms Angela Merkel,
I’m Nina, a 12-year old student from Gresik, East Java in Indonesia.
This week I visited Bangun village in East Java with my best friends to learn about how plastic and paper is recycled. Many people living in Bangun village sort trash to make money.
I met Mr. Endang who taught me that plastic bottles can be cut into little plastic pieces that are sent to China to make new things like carpets, pillows and other plastic things.
I learned that recycling plastic is good and can help people make money to feed their family.
But too much plastic can also hurt the environment and here I can sometimes find plastics in rivers and oceans that are later eaten by fish and other animals in the sea. I bought a river fish at Rolak Songo market and when I opened its stomach I found micro plastics. I don’t want to eat fish that ate plastics!
I visited Tanjung Perak port and was told that imported recycled papers is sometimes mixed with plastic trash. The containers go into the Green Lane and so it is not always checked. The mix trash often goes to Bangun village.
The garbage in Bangun village comes from different countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Europe including Germany.
Indonesia is the second largest contributor of trash in the world but for almost 40 years we are a dumping ground for many Western countries.
We are overwhelmed with imported trash This makes me very sad.
I also want to tell you that I found a German national ID card when I looked into the trash. I also found food packages that has “Made in Germany” written on it. Why does Germany send its trash to Indonesia? I want my future to be better. I want Indonesia to be clean.
My mother said Germany is a powerfull country in Europe, so please help me tell other countries in Europe to stop sending plastic trash to Indonesia and other developing countries in Asia. Take back your trash from Indonesia!
Aeshnina Azzahra