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ACC financing rose 11.34% in first-half to IDR10.8 trillion on higher leasing

JAKARTA: Astra Credit Company (ACC) Group booked total financings at IDR10.8 trillion in the first half of the year, increasing 11.34% from IDR9.7 trillion in the same period last year.Financings were disbursed to 76,000 vehicles, increasing 7.65% compared

JAKARTA: Astra Credit Company (ACC) Group booked total financings at IDR10.8 trillion in the first half of the year, increasing 11.34% from IDR9.7 trillion in the same period last year.Financings were disbursed to 76,000 vehicles, increasing 7.65% compared to 71,150 in the first half of 2010, PT Astra Sedaya Finance President Director Djony Bunarto Tjondro told Bisnis yesterday.Astra Sedaya Finance is one of five members in ACC Group, a financing arm of Astra Group. Other members of ACC Group are PT Swadharma Bhakti Sedaya Finance, PT Staco Estika Sedaya Finance, PT Astra Auto Finance, dan PT Pratama Sedaya Finance.Early this month, Astra Sedaya Finance sealed a US$200 million (IDR1.69 trillion) loan facility from 19 banks from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.The loan will be used as work capital for financing, which is expected to be IDR20 trillion this year. (t04/msw)

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Editor : Mursito


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