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CPI eyes North Sumatras geothermal

PADANG: PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia is poised to manage North Sumatras geothermal energy potential with total capacity of 1,656 Megawatt (MW). We are interested with such potential since its quite large, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) President

PADANG: PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia is poised to manage North Sumatras geothermal energy potential with total capacity of 1,656 Megawatt (MW). We are interested with such potential since its quite large, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) President Directors Abdul Hamid Batubara said today.If North Sumatra Provincial Government held bidding for such project, CPI will certainly participate and follow the regulation. The US-based company stated its interest after hearing North Sumatra Deputy Governor Muslim Kasim when inaugurating a vocational state school in Padang (SMK 5) today.According to Muslim, North Sumatra has 17 geothermal sites, which is very promising for development with total capacity of 1,656 MW. Those sites are located in seven districts like Pasaman District, North Pasaman, Lima Puluh Kota, Tanah Datar, Agam, Solok, and South Solok District.Such geothermal potential in North Sumatra is very promising since CPI is currently managing several geothermal potential. One of those geothermal potentials is located in two locations in Garut, West Java Province, with 650 MW capacities. (msw/t06)

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Editor : Mursito


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